Thursday, March 19, 2009

How do we get there!

Paul new he was going to go to Rome. The journey he took to get there wasn't what he expected. Most times we plan on something happening or we are expecting things to happen, we have assumptions and ideas of how it is going to happen. We come up with visions of grandeur trying to anticipate and almost making arrangements of how it will turn out and if we have any reservations or hints of displeasure we say "this isn't from God".

Resistance can come in many different forms; ourselves, other people, or natural occurrences. Sometimes our brethren may not agree with the way we think or how we interpret things. Causing a hindrance and conflict possibly changing the way you do things. Upon Paul's return to Jerusalem in Acts:22 there were a few believers that were told he was teaching against the law of Moses which of course he was not, but in the story you will see Paul was expected to go and show the people wrong through a ceremony how "righteous". I would like for you to read the chapter yourself and see.

Then we of course can hinder or change things just by our selfishness or our motives may not always be focused on what God has directed. There are many examples in the Bible of people and there selfish motives read it and you will see.

And then there is always the weather that can throw a wrench into our plans or change the course of direction. Acts:27 shows how a storm can cause a change in direction or cause some delay to getting to our destination.

The purpose of this is to remind us that the journey is set before us, but how we get there isn't always the way we expect it! Paul probably thought his trip to Rome would have been more of a missionary trip then a legal one. The result his presentation of the Gospel even penetrated the walls of the emperor's palace.

Sometimes our plans don't work out as we want them to, they work out even better than we expected!

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