Friday, August 14, 2009


Hello sorry for the delay since the last blog. It's been a journey but a wonderful one at that!

If you haven't read Matthew chapters 5-7 known as Jesus' sermon on the mount, please read it and if you have read it read it again. Make your reading of the bible personal read it as though God Himself has given it to you.

After I read those chapters again I found myself seeing new ideas new lessons no matter how many times I read my bible I taste something new, a fresh fruit perfectly ripe.

I would love to give you everything He showed me in reading His sermon, but this is a blog not a book, so I will shorten it and go to the ending of Jesus' sermon when He shares this; verse 24,27 Message Bible. "These words I speak to you not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who builds his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit- but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock. "But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like the stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards." I want to focus on verses 24 & 25, building a life is based on the Greek word poieo, which is translated "Do" and in the Greek language is a very active word, in English we get the word poet.

A poet is a person who takes words and does something with them, makes something beautiful, personal, and original out of them.

Jesus says, "Be poets. make something of these words I've spoken to you. Make a life, epic and poetic. And make it beautiful. Make it a work of art." That's something we can all do. One well-chosen word at a time. One stanza of service at a time. And with our words and deeds, we can leave something beautiful behind in the lives of others. (Eugene Peterson)

We have an opportunity to be poets "doers of ...." You finish the rest!

Pastor Wes